7 Things Startups Should Know About Animated Explainer Videos

If you’re a brand or business in today’s world, videos are an integral part of your marketing arsenal.  Explainer videos are usually the starting point because they are seen as basic requirements, quickly becoming almost on par with a website. For startups especially, having an explainer video is a no-brainer. They can be used in pitches, conferences, trade shows, on your website, on social media, and whatever platform you use to network. 

Rapidly reducing attention spans make it even more crucial to grab an audience’s interest and sustain it long enough for them to listen to your message. Ask yourself, would you rather read 10 pages worth of reports or watch an animated explainer video that has an engaging storyline, attractive visuals and tells you all you need to know in just 90 seconds?

If you made the obvious choice and decided to get your startup the explainer video it needs, we’ve put some tips together you’ll find useful. 

Tip #1: Budget for quality

Using a template or DIY tools to make your startup’s animated explainer video in order to save money is a rookie mistake. Or, maybe you find someone on a skill marketplace who says they can make your video for cheap rather than go with a proven animated explainer video production company. You think you lucked out, but they’re just going to use those same templates and tools and make a cookie-cutter video for you. The simple truth is, a good-quality explainer video will cost you. So the budget for it. Your explainer video is an extension of your brand. As such, when you make a low-quality video it gives the impression that your product or service is low quality too. 

Tip #2: Set the right tone: 

While the main aim of your explainer video is to convey information in an engaging way and explain your idea, product or service, how it achieves this is also important. The tone of voice and the kind of visuals reveal vital details about your brand. Depending on your industry and company culture, you may want a sleek and formal kind of video that displays facts and statistics or a tongue-in-cheek, conversational one that shows off your fun side. You could also have a casual video that educates your audience about those facts or a crisp one that’s just the right amount of witty. There’s no wrong way to do it, but there’s only one right way for you. So don’t wait till after you make your video to find out how you want your brand to be perceived. Confused?  An expert animated explainer video company like Motionvillee will help you to figure out the ideal type and voice and set the perfect tone for your startup. 

Tip #3: Decide an ideal call-to-action: 

What do you want your audience to do at the end of your explainer video? The call-to-action or CTA is the most important part of any video. Should they call you? Visit your website? Download your app? Decide what would be the best way to field any questions or nurture leads that are directed to you after someone watches your explainer video. Remember, you’re investing in this video, so the CTA should be one that allows you to measure results. At the same time, make sure it’s something simple that requires minimum effort. 

Tip#5: Plan ahead

Too many startups and even established companies with large marketing teams make the blunder of not allocating enough time for their explainer video to be made. They have an event or launch coming up and need a high-quality impressive explainer video for it. So they scramble at the last minute to get one made. Any reputed animated explainer video production company will tell you that making a video is a process with many stages. And each stage will require feedback and revision. Sure, sometimes your animated video company may offer to rush through the process but having something made in a hurry, while good enough, will not be as great as it could have been if only there was enough time. 

Tip #6: Make more than one 

This tip is not for everyone, but will definitely benefit a startup that has a mixed target audience. For example, if your startup is a marketplace for custom-made fly swatters, where makers and buyers can connect and conduct a transaction in a secure way. You can obviously make one comprehensive 120-second video that explains your startup, addresses major concerns and relays benefits for both buyers and sellers. Or you could make two 60-second videos, each targeting and educating a specific audience. Makers and sellers learn about listings and payments while buyers learn about how you ensure deliveries and quality and options…you get the idea. Discuss how your animated video company can help you maximize impact best. 

Tip #7: Do your research

One of the best ways to get an animated explainer video that you are proud of and meets all your expectations is to do your research and find examples that you like. This way your animated explainer video company will know exactly what you require. It will also help them to tell you if you’re in the right direction or if it’s not suitable for your startup. Collect examples from your competitors, your niche, your general industry and see what they’ve done that you’d like (and also what you definitely do not want!) in your startup explainer video. The clarity it will give you will guide all your feedback and make sure everyone is on the same page, thus making the entire video production process as smooth as possible. 

While these tips are specifically aimed at startups, they work for any business that wants to make an animated explainer video. Did you find these tips helpful? Tell us in the comments below! Or, if you’re looking to make an explainer video for your startup or business, drop us a mail and let’s get talking. 

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