How to Use Videos In Email Marketing

How to use videos in email marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for engaging with your audience. But how can you make your emails stand out in a crowded inbox? The answer lies in the dynamic world of video. Integrating videos into your email marketing strategy can significantly boost engagement, click-through rates, and overall campaign effectiveness.

Even statistics on video marketing show that videos in email campaigns boost click-through rates by 200% to 300%. That means there is a huge opportunity for your business to increase leads by using videos in email marketing.


Understand the Benefits of Video in Email Marketing


1. Humanize your brand:

Traditional marketing methods rely on static images and text. However, this may not effectively convey the dynamic personality and core values of a brand, leaving customers feeling disconnected.

In contrast, video marketing uses visual storytelling, music, and spoken word to create an immersive experience that effectively communicates a brand’s essence and strengthens its connection with the audience.


2. Reach visual learners:

A large percentage of people identify as visual learners, meaning- they learn and retain information better through visual content like videos rather than plain text.

Incorporating visual content like videos into your emails can help you ensure that the message you want to convey to your audience is effectively retained.


3. Improve engagement rates:

Inboxes are often flooded with numerous emails competing for attention, making it challenging for businesses to grab the recipient’s attention and encourage them to open their emails.

Research has shown that including the word “video” in email subject lines can significantly boost open rates, as recipients are more likely to be intrigued by the prospect of watching a video.


4. Improved Conversion Rates:

Videos can simplify complex information, making it easier for viewers to understand your product or service. This clarity can lead to higher conversion rates, as potential customers are more likely to take the desired action after watching a video.


5. Higher Retention Rates:

Videos are known to improve information retention. When viewers watch a video, they retain 95% of the message compared to only 10% when reading text. This can ensure your message sticks with your audience.


6. Personalized Experience:

Personalized video messages can make your audience feel special, leading to better customer relationships and loyalty. Tailoring video content to specific segments of your audience can address their unique needs and pain points.


7. Increased Click-Through Rates:

Emails containing videos often see higher click-through rates. Studies show that including a video in an email can increase click rates by up to 300%.


Choose the Right Type of Video

  1. Product Demos: Showcase your product’s features and benefits through a detailed demonstration. This is particularly useful for tech products and services, allowing potential customers to see the product in action.
  2. Customer Testimonials: Videos featuring satisfied customers can build trust and credibility, persuading potential clients to take the next step. Real-life success stories can resonate deeply with potential buyers.
  3. Tutorials and How-Tos: Educational content that solves a problem or teaches something new can position your brand as a valuable resource. These videos can also reduce support inquiries by empowering users to solve issues on their own.
  4. Event Invitations: Promote upcoming webinars, conferences, or live events with an engaging video invitation. This can generate excitement and increase attendance rates.
  5. Personalized Messages: Personalizing video content based on viewer preferences, demographics, or past interactions enhances relevance and engagement. Use data from your email list to tailor video content to specific audience segments, addressing their unique interests and needs. For instance, a personalized thank-you video after a purchase can enhance customer satisfaction.
  6. Interactive Video: Traditional videos often lack interactivity, leading to passive viewing experiences. However interactive videos allow viewers to engage actively with the content, increasing interest and retention. Create quizzes, polls, or clickable hotspots within your videos to encourage viewer participation.


Optimize Your Video for Email


Keep It Brief

Lengthy videos can overwhelm viewers and lead to boredom, especially in today’s fast-paced digital environment. Shorter videos, typically 1-2 minutes long, maintain viewer interest and retention rates. Focus on delivering concise, focused messages in your videos to keep viewers engaged from start to finish.


Use an Enticing Thumbnail

A compelling thumbnail image can encourage recipients to click and watch your video. Make sure it’s clear, relevant, and visually appealing. Adding a play button overlay can also signal that there’s a video to watch. Test different thumbnail images to determine which ones perform best in terms of click-through rates, and select visually compelling thumbnails that align with your content.


Add a Play Button

A play button overlay on your thumbnail signals to viewers that there’s a video to watch, increasing click-through rates. This simple visual cue can significantly boost engagement.


Embed or Link?

Embedding VideosWhile embedding videos directly into emails can create a seamless experience, not all email clients support this feature. As a workaround, you can use a GIF or a static image with a play button that links to the video hosted on your website or a platform like YouTube or Vimeo.


Linking to Videos

This method ensures that your video plays smoothly without compatibility issues. Create a thumbnail or a GIF that links to the video on your landing page, YouTube, or another hosting platform. This approach can drive traffic to your website, where you can provide more information and capture leads.


Include a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Every marketing video should have a clear CTA. Without a clear direction, viewers may not know what action to take after watching a video. Including clear calls to action (CTAs) prompts viewers to take the desired action.

Whether it’s signing up for a webinar, purchasing a product, or simply learning more, make sure your CTA is direct and easy to follow. Place the CTA both within the video and in the email body to maximize response rates.


Track and Analyze Performance

  • Use Analytics: Monitor the performance of your video emails through analytics. Utilize analytics to track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, then adjust your video strategy based on the results. This data can provide insights into viewer behavior and help you refine your strategy.
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different video types, thumbnails, CTAs, and email copy to see what resonates most with your audience. A/B testing can reveal what drives engagement and conversions, allowing you to optimize your campaigns for better results.
  • Ensure Mobile Compatibility: With a significant portion of emails being opened on mobile devices, ensure that your videos are mobile-friendly. Videos that are not optimized for mobile devices may result in a poor viewing experience for a significant portion of your audience. Use responsive design techniques to make sure your emails look great on all screen sizes. Test your emails across different devices to ensure a seamless experience.


Integrate Videos with Your Marketing Funnel

  • Top of the Funnel: Use videos to attract and engage potential customers who are in the awareness stage. Educational and entertaining videos can draw in viewers and introduce them to your brand.
  • Middle of the Funnel: For those in the consideration stage, use product demos, case studies, and testimonials to highlight the benefits and advantages of your product or service. These videos can help nurture leads and move them closer to a purchase decision.
  • Bottom of the Funnel: At the decision stage, personalized videos and detailed tutorials can provide the final push needed to convert leads into customers. Highlighting unique selling points and addressing common objections can be particularly effective.


How to Insert Videos Into An Email?


1. Embed your Video with HTML 5

HTML5 is the latest and most robust version of HTML, supporting video playback on iOS devices, unlike Flash. Apple Mail, iPad Mail, iPhone Mail, and Outlook are all compatible with HTML5 videos. A survey shows 75% of developers use HTML5, and 35% of mobile traffic comes from HTML5 videos.

This lets you control your video width and the poster image (the image shown before the video plays). However, not all email clients support HTML5 videos. Only two-thirds of them do, and Gmail, which holds 40% of the webmail market, does not.

When HTML5 videos aren’t supported, a fallback image is shown, allowing recipients to play the video by clicking the image. HTML5 is flexible, letting you adjust both the fallback image and video width.

Embedding a video directly in your email can create a highly engaging experience for your recipients. They will be able to watch the video without leaving the email.


Steps to Embed a Video:

  • Use the following HTML5 code snippet to embed your video:

<video poster=”path of the poster image” width=”480″ height=”270″ controls=”controls”> <source src=”path of the video” type=”video/mp4″ /> </video>

  • Use Custom HTML Block:

In your email platform (e.g., Postcards, MailerLite, etc.), find the option to add a custom HTML block or code block. Paste the prepared HTML5 video code into the block.

  • Include a fallback image that will be displayed if the recipient’s email client does not support the <video> tag. This ensures a better user experience across various email clients.

Here is a video showing how to use videos in email marketing using HTML 5.



However, it’s important to note that not all email leads support embedded videos. So you can consider using alternative methods for broader compatibility.


2. Turn Your Video into a GIF

If embedding a video in your email is problematic, consider creating a GIF from your video. It can make your email more dynamic and eye-catching.

Steps to Create and Insert a GIF:

  • Use a tool like Giphy to create a GIF from your video.
  • Adjust the length to keep the file size manageable (3-5 seconds).
  • Add a play button sticker to indicate that it’s a video.
  • Save the GIF and insert it into your email.
  • Link the GIF to your video URL.

Adding videos like GIFs into the mail also adds movement to your email, increasing the likelihood of attracting attention.



3. Use a Static Image as a Thumbnail

If you don’t want to use a GIF, you can use a static image as a thumbnail and link it to your video.

Steps to Create and Use a Video Thumbnail:

  • Take a screenshot of your video’s thumbnail from YouTube or create a custom thumbnail using a design tool like Canva.
  • Insert the image into your email.
  • Add a link to the video by selecting the image and inserting the video URL.

This method makes your video link more visually appealing and noticeable.


4. Add a Link to Your Video

The simplest way to include a video in your email is by adding a hyperlink. This method redirects recipients to the video hosted on a platform like YouTube or Vimeo.

Steps to Add a Video Link:

  • Copy the URL of your video.
  • Write your email content.
  • Highlight the anchor text or image you want to link.
  • Click on “Insert link,” paste the video URL, and press OK.


5. Use the Image + Link Method

This two-step approach combines a static image with a hyperlink, offering the benefits of video without deliverability issues.

Steps to Implement the Image + Link Method:

1. Create a Compelling Thumbnail:

  • Use a high-contrast image with a play button overlay.
  • Ensure the thumbnail accurately represents the video content.
  • Add a graphic of the play button to the video.

2. Grab the Video URL:

  • Copy the URL from your video hosting site (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.).

3. Link the Thumbnail:

  • Insert the thumbnail image into your email.
  • Select the image, click on “add link,” and paste the video URL.

4. Support Your Video with Text:

  • Add a brief description and a call to action encouraging recipients to watch the video.
  • Ensure the text complements the video and entices viewers to click.

5. Send a Test Email:

  • Test your email to ensure all links work correctly and the layout is as intended.

Using the image + link method gives you control over the user experience.

It directs viewers to a landing page where you can manage the messaging and calls to action. It also tracks how many people watch your video and their subsequent actions.

You can notice this email example from Shopify, this thumbnail attracts the users to click on the mail and directs them to the page with the video.




Incorporating videos into your email marketing strategy can dramatically enhance engagement, click-through rates, and conversions. By selecting the right type of video, optimizing for email, including a clear CTA, and analyzing performance, you can effectively use videos to boost your email marketing efforts. Start experimenting with video in your next email campaign and watch your engagement soar!

By following these steps, you can leverage the power of video to create more compelling, engaging, and successful email marketing campaigns. The value of video in email marketing lies in its ability to convey information quickly and memorably, making it an indispensable tool for modern marketers. Start integrating videos into your email strategy today and see the difference it can make for your business.

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